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[bug#31934] [PATCH] services: sound: Properly handle alsa-plugins.

From: Julien Lepiller
Subject: [bug#31934] [PATCH] services: sound: Properly handle alsa-plugins.
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2018 17:37:56 +0200
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/1.3.6

Le 2018-06-25 17:34, address@hidden a écrit :
Oleg Pykhalov <address@hidden> writes:


address@hidden (宋文武) writes:

Julien Lepiller <address@hidden> writes:


Hello, after some hours of searching...  I found that we can use the
'lib' option in 'pcm_type' and 'ctl_type' to specify the library path
for alsa plugins, e.g:

Thats a nice hack :-)  Thank you for working on this.


So I think we can make our 'alsa-service' do this, instead of patching
alsa-lib for 'ALSA_PLUGIN_DIR'.

Done. Here is a patch which I tested on my machine by ‘system reconfigure’:

Thank you, I modified it to keep the 'pulseaudio? #f' function, and
pushed :-)

So maybe we can drop our ALSA_PLUGIN_DIR patch now?

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