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Re: [Help-smalltalk] Re: Starting with smalltalk

From: Paolo Bonzini
Subject: Re: [Help-smalltalk] Re: Starting with smalltalk
Date: Thu, 06 Jul 2006 17:57:20 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20060530)

I'll get a book on Smalltalk, take some time to read-up on the syntax
and try Squeak to see the difference between GNU and Squeak.
You can try the tutorial that comes with GNU Smalltalk.

The differences are mostly conceptual. Plus Squeak has a huge (and sometimes very poorly designed) class library for graphics and much more.
Then, I'll get back to you all.
No need to wait. We're here to help and to understand where you have problems.
Nice looking commandline parser by the way. I don't understand it all
yet, but I'll get there. In the end I'll try to make a commandline
arguments parser and post it somewhere.
Heh... I wanted to see how far I was from my (purposedly exaggerate) 30-minutes estimate of the time to make one. So I did it.

Here it is. 220 lines in ~2 hours, slightly less actually, including 30 minutes for testing (didn't have time to do SUnit tests, so they're just commands at the end of the file). No comments for now, I will add them when I commit. :-P

|   Smalltalk command-line parser

| Copyright 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
| Written by Paolo Bonzini.
| This file is part of the GNU Smalltalk class library.
| The GNU Smalltalk class library is free software; you can redistribute it
| and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
| as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1, or (at
| your option) any later version.
| The GNU Smalltalk class library is distributed in the hope that it will be
| useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| General Public License for more details.
| You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
| along with the GNU Smalltalk class library; see the file COPYING.LIB.
| If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite
| 330, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.  

Object subclass: #Getopt
                  instanceVariableNames: 'options longOptions prefixes args 
currentArg actionBlock errorBlock'
                  classVariableNames: ''
                  poolDictionaries: ''
                  category: 'Language-Data types'

Getopt comment: 
'My instances represent ASCII string data types.  Being a very common
case, they are particularly optimized.' !

!Getopt class methodsFor: 'instance creation'!

test: args with: pattern
    args do: [ :each |
            parse: each subStrings 
            with: pattern
            do: [ :x :y | (x->y) printNl ]
            ifError: [ (each->'error') displayNl ].
        Transcript nl ]!
parse: args with: pattern do: actionBlock
    ^self new
        parsePattern: pattern;
        actionBlock: actionBlock;
        errorBlock: [ ^nil ];
        parse: args!

parse: args with: pattern do: actionBlock ifError: errorBlock
    ^self new
        parsePattern: pattern;
        actionBlock: actionBlock;
        errorBlock: [ ^errorBlock value ];
        parse: args!

!Getopt methodsFor: 'initializing'!

fullOptionName: aString
    (prefixes includes: aString) ifFalse: [ errorBlock value ].
    longOptions do: [ :k |
        (k startsWith: aString) ifTrue: [ ^k ] ].
    self halt!

optionKind: aString
    | kindOrString |
    kindOrString := options at: aString ifAbsent: [ errorBlock value ].
    ^kindOrString isSymbol
        ifTrue: [ kindOrString ]
        ifFalse: [ options at: kindOrString ]!

optionName: aString
    | kindOrString |
    kindOrString := options at: aString ifAbsent: [ errorBlock value ].
    ^kindOrString isSymbol
        ifTrue: [ aString ]
        ifFalse: [ kindOrString ]!

    [ args atEnd ] whileFalse: [
        actionBlock value: nil value: args next ]!

parseOption: name kind: kind with: arg
    | theArg |
    theArg := arg.
    (kind = #mandatoryArg and: [ arg isNil ])
        ifTrue: [
            args atEnd ifTrue: [ errorBlock value ].
            theArg := args next ].
    (kind = #noArg and: [ theArg notNil ])
        ifTrue: [ errorBlock value ].

    actionBlock value: name value: theArg!
parseLongOption: argStream
    | name kind haveArg arg |
    name := argStream upTo: $=.
    argStream skip: -1.

    name := self fullOptionName: name.
    name := self optionName: name.
    kind := self optionKind: name.
    haveArg := argStream nextMatchFor: $=.
    arg := haveArg ifTrue: [ argStream upToEnd ] ifFalse: [ nil ].
    self parseOption: name kind: kind with: arg!

parseShortOptions: argStream
    | name kind ch haveArg arg |
    [ argStream atEnd ] whileFalse: [
        ch := argStream next.
        name := self optionName: ch.
        kind := self optionKind: ch.
        haveArg := kind ~~ #noArg and: [ argStream atEnd not ].
        arg := haveArg ifTrue: [ argStream upToEnd ] ifFalse: [ nil ].
        self parseOption: name kind: kind with: arg ]!

    | arg argStream |
    arg := args next.
    arg = '--' ifTrue: [ ^self parseRemainingArguments ].

    (arg isEmpty or: [ arg first ~= $- ])
        ifTrue: [ ^actionBlock value: nil value: arg ].

    argStream := arg readStream.
    (arg at: 2) = $-
        ifTrue: [ argStream next: 2. self parseLongOption: argStream ]
        ifFalse: [ argStream next. self parseShortOptions: argStream ]!

    [ args atEnd ] whileFalse: [ self parseOneArgument ]!
!Getopt methodsFor: 'initializing'!

addPrefixes: option
    longOptions add: option.
    1 to: option size do: [ :length |
        prefixes add: (option copyFrom: 1 to: length) ]!

    longOptions := longOptions asSortedCollection: [ :a :b | a size <= b size ].

    prefixes := prefixes select: [ :each | (prefixes occurrencesOf: each) == 1 
    prefixes := prefixes asSet.
    prefixes addAll: longOptions!

    options := Dictionary new.
    longOptions := Set new.
    prefixes := Bag new!

checkSynonyms: synonyms
    (synonyms allSatisfy: [ :each | each startsWith: '-' ])
        ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'expected -' ].

    (synonyms anySatisfy: [ :each | each size < 2 or: [ each = '--' ] ])
        ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'expected option name' ].

    synonyms do: [ :each |
        ((each startsWith: '--') and: [ each includes: $= ])
            ifTrue: [ ^self error: 'unexpected = inside long option' ] ]!

colonsToKind: colons
    colons = 0 ifTrue: [ ^#noArg ].
    colons = 1 ifTrue: [ ^#mandatoryArg ].
    colons = 2 ifTrue: [ ^#optionalArg ].
    ^self error: 'too many colons, don''t know what to do with them...'!

atSynonym: synonym put: kindOrName
    | key |
    synonym size = 2
        ifTrue: [ key := synonym at: 2 ]
        ifFalse: [ key := synonym copyFrom: 3. self addPrefixes: key ].

    (options includes: key) ifTrue: [ self error: 'duplicate option' ].
    options at: key put: kindOrName.

parseSynonyms: synonyms kind: kind
    | last |
    last := self atSynonym: synonyms last put: kind.
    synonyms from: 1 to: synonyms size - 1 do: [ :each |
        self atSynonym: each put: last ]!

parseOption: opt
    | colons optNames synonyms kind |
    optNames := opt copyWithout: $:.
    colons := opt size - optNames size.
    opt from: optNames size + 1 to: opt size do: [ :ch |
        ch = $: ifFalse: [ ^self error: 'invalid pattern, colons are hosed' ] ].

    kind := self colonsToKind: colons.
    synonyms := optNames subStrings: $|.
    self checkSynonyms: synonyms.
    self parseSynonyms: synonyms kind: kind!

parsePattern: pattern
    self initialize.
    pattern subStrings do: [ :opt | self parseOption: opt ].
    self rejectBadPrefixes!

actionBlock: aBlock
    actionBlock := aBlock!
errorBlock: aBlock
    errorBlock := aBlock!
parse: argsArray
    args := argsArray readStream.
    self parse.
    ^args contents!

!SystemDictionary class methodsFor: 'command-line'!

arguments: pattern do: actionBlock
        parse: self arguments
        with: pattern
        do: actionBlock!

arguments: pattern do: actionBlock ifError: errorBlock
        parse: self arguments
        with: pattern
        do: actionBlock
        ifError: errorBlock! !

"Getopt new parsePattern: '-B'"
"Getopt new parsePattern: '--long'"
"Getopt new parsePattern: '--longish --longer'"
"Getopt new parsePattern: '--long --longer'"
"Getopt new parsePattern: '-B:'"
"Getopt new parsePattern: '-B::'"
"Getopt new parsePattern: '-a|-b'"
"Getopt new parsePattern: '-a|--long'"
"Getopt new parsePattern: '-a|--very-long|--long'"
"Getopt test: #('-a' '-b' '-ab' '-a -b') with: '-a -b'"
"Getopt test: #('-a' '-b' '-ab' '-a -b') with: '-a: -b'"
"Getopt test: #('-a' '-b' '-ab' '-a -b') with: '-a:: -b'"
"Getopt test: #('--longish' '--longer' '--longi' '--longe' '--lo' '-longer') 
with: '--longish --longer'"
"Getopt test: #('--lo' '--long' '--longe' '--longer') with: '--long --longer'"
"Getopt test: #('--noarg' '--mandatory' '--mandatory foo' '--mandatory=' 
'--mandatory=foo' '--optional' '--optional foo') with: '--noarg --mandatory: 
"Getopt test: #('-a' '-b') with: '-a|-b'"
"Getopt test: #('--long' '-b') with: '-b|--long'"
"Getopt test: #('--long=x' '-bx') with: '-b|--long:'"
"Getopt test: #('-b' '--long' '--very-long') with: '-b|--very-long|--long'"
"Getopt test: #('--long=x' '--very-long x' '-bx') with: 
"Getopt test: #('-b -- -b' '-- -b' '-- -b -b') with: '-b'"

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