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Worse than I thought: @NP adds a blank page instead of col break.

From: Kevin Cole
Subject: Worse than I thought: @NP adds a blank page instead of col break.
Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 11:50:29 -0400 (EDT)

Not only isn't @NP jumping to the next column; it adds a completely
blank page after it finishes the current page. (I thought part of the
problem might be a missing empty object following the incomplete
drop-tag item below.  So I added a {} to the end of the first line.)

On Thu, 12 Jul 2001, I wrote:

> Hello again.  Today's question: Why is Lout ignoring my @NP ?  I have
> several pages where there's a full-width header followed by a two-column
> body.  Both columns are full of drop-tag items, some of which contain
> tables.  One of the drop-tag items often splits across columns, so I
> want to force it to the top of the next column.  The drop-tag item
> just preceding it isn't a true drop-tag, since there's no second
> part. I've done:
>     @DropTagItem { @B { TYPE OF INSTITUTION }  { Public } }
>     lines @Break { Not reported }
> It ignores the @NP, and splits "INSTITUTIONAL ACCREDITATION" and "Not
> reported" across two columns.  What am I missing?
> Oh, and is there a good way to reduce the extra space left after the
> first drop-tag (the one without a line after the tag)?
> P.S. I finally decided to brute-force the vertical space problem by
>      injecting a /0.075i in the few spots where lines were just
>      overwriting parts of each other.

 Kevin Cole, RHCE, Linux Admin  |  E-mail:  address@hidden
 Gallaudet Research Institute   |  WWW:     http://gri.gallaudet.edu/~kjcole/
 Hall Memorial Bldg  S-419      |  Voice:   (202) 651-5135
 Washington, D.C.  20002-3695   |  FAX:     (202) 651-5746

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