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LYNX-DEV Re: Henry's most strange problem

From: Klaus Weide
Subject: LYNX-DEV Re: Henry's most strange problem
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 1997 21:07:25 -0500 (CDT)

> Because I use the same binary for various types of accounts (general under-
> grads, students in my lab, ..., captive account), in userdefs.h I define
> the tmp directory as `` #define TEMP_SPACE "~" ''.  I should have mentioned
> this yesterday.  What I described yesterday was a binary compiled with
> TEMP_SPACE as `~', but the environment variable LYNX_TEMP_SPACE set
> `~/.lynx'.

Henry, I think I found the reason.  It is a bug in HTFWriter.c which gets
triggered if the temp space has a '.' somewhere in the path.

Find the line

    if ((cp = strchr(fnam, '.')) != NULL) {

in src/HTFWriter.c and replace the "strchr" with a "strrchr", that should
solve it.


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