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lynx-dev Re: Bug?

From: Al Gilman
Subject: lynx-dev Re: Bug?
Date: Sat, 01 May 1999 08:32:59 -0400


I forwarded your question to the Lynx developers' mailing list at
<address@hidden>.  Answers may be read at


At 06:40 PM 4/30/99 -0700, Joseph Larsen wrote:
>       I've noticed a problem (a bug?) in the lynx.cfg file: In the Color
>Configuration section of the file, on the
>COLOR:4:whatevercolor:whatevercolor, I noticed no matter what you enter as
>the color, it will either show up in Lynx as either bright white or gray
>depending on whether or not you set the background color to black or
>whatever color. Is this a known (or unknown) bug, or a misperception 
>on my part? Here's my version:
>Lynx Version 2.8.2dev.25 (27 Apr 1999)
>Built on linux-gnulibc1 Apr 30 1999 18:14:58
>I'm running S.u.S.E. Linux 5.3
>       Thank you,
>       Joseph Larsen

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