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Status of rc1

From: Paul Smith
Subject: Status of rc1
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2009 13:30:51 -0400

Hi all.  An update:

David Boyce sent me a patch which implements some of the features we've
been discussing, with .ONESHELL etc.  Unfortunately I thought he had
signed copyright papers but I checked and didn't find them, and he's
gone for the long U.S. weekend.  I'm waiting to discuss this with him
when he gets back.

Also, I know of two regressions:

1. DavidB found a problem building MySQL on Solaris (doesn't happen on
Linux, oddly enough) where the wrong implicit rule was being chosen.  I
think this is related to Boris' changes but it seems to be a rule
ordering issue, NOT a known consequence of the change in behavior (the
stems seem to all be the same length).  I'm trying to look into this one
a bit more.

2. I found an issue where if you run "make" in an empty directory it
used to say "No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop."  but
now it says "No rule to make target `GNUmakefile'.  Stop."  I believe
this is a result of the change to get included makefile error handling
to work better; Boris if you have time you might want to check this out;
otherwise I'll look into it after I suss out #1.

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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