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Re: hard coded locations for monitrc

From: Jan-Henrik Haukeland
Subject: Re: hard coded locations for monitrc
Date: Tue, 17 Apr 2007 02:17:37 +0200

Sounds like a good idea in my book. What do other commiters think? The only change from the proposal is to not patch monit.1 but the monit.pod file that is used to generate the monit.1 man file. I.e. we change monit.pod to and use configure to write user set variables and paths and generate monit.pod which the script, make_man uses to generate the actual man file for monit.

Best regards
Jan-Henrik Haukeland

On 17. apr. 2007, at 00.12, Klaus Heinz wrote:


I would like to propose a change regarding the hard coded locations
of the monit configuration file.
Instead of having the fixed string "/usr/local/etc/monitrc" in file.c
why not using the (already existing) switch "--sysconfdir" provided
by the configure script?

The default location would remain "/usr/local/etc" (as sysconfdir is
defined as "$prefix/etc" and prefix is "/usr/local") but it would be
possible for people to override this. The pkgsrc package system for
NetBSD and Dragonfly BSD (and some other operating systems) is usually
set up to install into a directory hierarchy other than /usr/local.

As a consequence of this proposed change, it would be desirable to have the location of the configuration file noted in the man page. Up to now the parameters supplied to the configure script are not patched into the
man page during the configure or build stage.

The appended patches implement this proposal for using "--sysconfdir"
and building monit.1 dynamically from
Apply all patches in the source directory, then rename the patched
"monit.1" to "", then run "configure" and "gmake".



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