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Re: [Monotone-devel] getting rid of a "duplicate" branch

From: Derek Scherger
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] getting rid of a "duplicate" branch
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2004 21:51:56 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.7) Gecko/20040813

Peter Simons wrote:

due some unfortunate mishap, I've ended with the following

  monotone: fetching heads of branch 'private.triptpolers'
  branch 'private.triptpolers' is currently merged:
  9963115cf5fe44a0f9d7ddd05fe59410a47b7500 address@hidden \
      2004-09-27T22:03:31 2004-09-27T23:57:29

  monotone: fetching heads of branch 'priv.triptpolers.backup'
  branch 'priv.triptpolers.backup' is currently merged:
  9963115cf5fe44a0f9d7ddd05fe59410a47b7500 address@hidden \
      2004-09-27T22:03:31 2004-09-27T23:57:29

The very same manifest is associated with two branches. The
first branch, though, is a mistake and I would like to get
rid of it. All I'd have to do is to get rid of the
certificate that says "this manifest belongs into ...", but
how do I do that without affecting the other branch at the
same time?

deleting one branch cert from the manifest shouldn't affect any other branch certs associated with it?

Any ideas? Any SQL magic, anyone?

select id,name,unbase64(value) from manifest_certs where id glob "9963*"

should get the list of *all* certs on that manifest, then something like

select id,name,unbase64(value) from manifest_certs where id glob "9963*" and name = "branch" and unbase64(value) = "priv.triptpolers"

should list the cert you want to delete, then

delete from manifest_certs where id glob "9963*" and name = "branch" and unbase64(value) = "priv.triptpolers"

should delete what was listed by the previous statement

you might want to backup your database first though ;)


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