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[Monotone-devel] getting rid of a "duplicate" branch

From: Peter Simons
Subject: [Monotone-devel] getting rid of a "duplicate" branch
Date: 28 Sep 2004 02:45:31 +0200


due some unfortunate mishap, I've ended with the following

  monotone: fetching heads of branch 'private.triptpolers'
  branch 'private.triptpolers' is currently merged:
  9963115cf5fe44a0f9d7ddd05fe59410a47b7500 address@hidden \
      2004-09-27T22:03:31 2004-09-27T23:57:29

  monotone: fetching heads of branch 'priv.triptpolers.backup'
  branch 'priv.triptpolers.backup' is currently merged:
  9963115cf5fe44a0f9d7ddd05fe59410a47b7500 address@hidden \
      2004-09-27T22:03:31 2004-09-27T23:57:29

The very same manifest is associated with two branches. The
first branch, though, is a mistake and I would like to get
rid of it. All I'd have to do is to get rid of the
certificate that says "this manifest belongs into ...", but
how do I do that without affecting the other branch at the
same time?

Any ideas? Any SQL magic, anyone?


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