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[Monotone-devel] runtime_error while importing cvs on winxp

From: Zbynek Winkler
Subject: [Monotone-devel] runtime_error while importing cvs on winxp
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2005 18:47:23 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Windows/20041206)


I was trying to import my project from cvs while I hit an error:

D:\sandbox>monotone --db=first.db --branch=cz.robotika.ester cvs_import ester-cvsrepo
monotone: discarding debug log
monotone: fatal: std::runtime_error: MapViewOFFile of app/displayField.h,v failed
monotone: this is almost certainly a bug in monotone.
monotone: please send this error message, the output of 'monotone --full-version', monotone: and a description of what you were doing to address@hidden

D:\sandbox>monotone --full-version
monotone 0.16 (base revision: ce860bae312c4bb8483d5b3b2a8cd3bebe2323d5)
Changes since base revision:

new_manifest [be13aa95d6e3aeb17e1db41550d9baaf03fcf229]

old_revision [ce860bae312c4bb8483d5b3b2a8cd3bebe2323d5]
old_manifest [be13aa95d6e3aeb17e1db41550d9baaf03fcf229]

I am working on WinXP machine. Since my project is only one module of bigger cvs repository, I copied just the module and tried to import it. I was following, but it does not say how to import only a single module from cvs repository. Could this be the error?

I've also created a new cvs repository and copied only the my module into it and tried to import that. However I get the same error but for file CVSROOT/loginfo,v.


Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic

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