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[Monotone-devel] sqlite exec error column id is not unique

From: Hendrik Boom
Subject: [Monotone-devel] sqlite exec error column id is not unique
Date: Sun, 3 Jul 2005 21:28:53 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

It told me to send this to you.  The monotone I am using is the one
distributed with sarge.

-- hendrik

I deleted my server data base, recreated it, started the server,
set up the keys again, logged in as hendrik, and tried to sync.

address@hidden:~/dv/sandbox$ monotone --db=/home/hendrik/monotone/database.db 
sync com.pooq
monotone: connecting to
monotone: rebuilding merkle trees for collection com.pooq
monotone: including branch com.pooq.topoi.sandbox
monotone: [certs: 4] [keys: 1]
monotone: warning: first time connecting to server; authenticity 
can't be established
monotone: warning: their key is 427ccc83f801158da61ac7a9cccda470f8a0b840
monotone: warning: saving public key for address@hidden to database
monotone: [bytes in: 214] [bytes out: 0] [revs in: 0] [revs out: 0]
monotone: fatal: std::runtime_error: sqlite exec error column id is not unique
monotone: this is almost certainly a bug in monotone.
monotone: please send this error message, the output of 'monotone 
monotone: and a description of what you were doing to address@hidden: wrote 
debugging log to MT/debug
address@hidden:~/dv/sandbox$ monotone --full-version
monotone 0.18 (base revision: e8c9e4eb0534a4c6e538935576330de34ec42052)
Running on: Linux 2.6.7-1-386 #1 Thu Jul 8 05:08:04 EDT 2004 i686
Changes since base revision:

new_manifest [cbc23fa42b07e4f6f7d3a327c5eb1d4f4a782a75]

old_revision [e8c9e4eb0534a4c6e538935576330de34ec42052]
old_manifest [cbc23fa42b07e4f6f7d3a327c5eb1d4f4a782a75]

  Generated from data cached in the distribution;
  further changes may have been made.

  Generated from data cached in the distribution;
  further changes may have been made.

  Generated from data cached in the distribution;
  further changes may have been made.

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