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[Monotone-devel] diff -p, now available from a near you

From: Zack Weinberg
Subject: [Monotone-devel] diff -p, now available from a near you
Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2006 00:53:39 -0700

I pushed out what I've got on diff -p; get it from
net.venge.monotone.diff-p branch.  Issues yet to be resolved:

1) I'm using Lua pattern matching to find the enclosing functions.  I
did this because the pattern to match comes from a Lua hook, so it
seemed most consistent to use that language's regexp syntax, even if
that syntax is, um, abnormal.  I'd be perfectly glad to use
boost::regex instead.  Thoughts?

2) lua_hooks::patternmatch: Is this the Right Way To Do It?  If not, what is?

3) I boldly added a bunch of short options: -c (--context), -u
(--unified), -p (--show-encloser), -v (--verbose).  My fingers
appreciate these, but I can see an argument for not doing -c/-u/-p.
(I am 100% certain -v should mean --verbose.  No, it has nothing to do
with the rest of the patch.)

4) Mooore teeeests.  I've got some randomly generated files which I
will use to augment the existing diff_output_formats test tomorrow,
when I'm awake, but ideas for really horrible test cases would be
welcome.  (Is there a way to override hooks for just one test?  It
would be good to be able to put the per-filename encloser-finder
mechanism through its paces.

Meta-issue: How verbose do y'all like your change logs?  I'm used to
GCC and their expectation that you mention every. single. function you
changed, in a particular rigidly defined format...


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