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Re: [Monotone-devel] net.venge.monotone.workspace-merge.migration ready

From: Nathaniel Smith
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] net.venge.monotone.workspace-merge.migration ready for review
Date: Wed, 9 Aug 2006 03:03:13 -0700
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.12-2006-07-14

On Wed, Aug 09, 2006 at 08:33:48AM +0200, Marcel van der Boom wrote:
> I may have missed it, but is there an overview somewhere of what  
> these new formats and changes are, other than checking out the branch  
> itself?
> I do quite a bit of (scripted) manipulation of the _MTN/revision and  
> the _MTN/work file, so i'd like to assess what i'm looking at if this  
> gets merged.

The end goal is to make it possible to have a workspace with multiple
parents -- i.e., a merge workspace.  To do this we're moving from
having a cset (which is the format for the _MTN/work file) to have an
actual revision (the same format documented and the manual and so

At this point it's not totally clear what should happen to
_MTN/revision... it sounds like Zack currently made _MTN/revision
actually contain the child revision, but that could change.

I know it's handy having _MTN/revision be usable for shell scripts...
maybe we should keep _MTN/revision as it is for now, but as a totally
cosmetic file (i.e., monotone writes it, but never reads it), and
worry about removing at some point later once we've figured out the
right interface to make the base rev easily available?  (Probably
"magic selectors", I guess.)  And put the actual revision in

Or maybe something else, there really aren't many constraints here.

-- Nathaniel

The best book on programming is still Strunk and White.

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