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Re: [Monotone-devel] monotone 0.30 hangs when performing sync on certain

From: Markus Meyer
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] monotone 0.30 hangs when performing sync on certain databases
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 2006 13:35:05 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060728)

Nathaniel Smith schrieb:
> Would it be possible to make the two failing databases available for
> debugging?
In principle there should be no problem sharing the databases for
debugging purposes with a key developer as long as everything is handled
in strict confidence. However, they are about 200 megabytes big, so
sending them over email is not an option. My ADSL2+ line here is
supposed to have 1 MBit/s upstream here, so maybe we can find another way?

> If you run a proper server, rather than sync'ing over ssh, does the
> issue still occur?  The unit_tests sometimes give a strange failure on
> win32, like our pipe simply stops delivering data -- we haven't seen
> this before in real life, but if it started happening, it could give
> this kind of symptom.  OTOH, it could be a bug of some sort in the
> netsync code, that is being tickled by the exact set of items in each
> database...
I don't know if it happens with ssh, the test was using the file://
protocol (from a Win2k host to a Linux Samba server). It definitely does
not happen with netsync.


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