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Re: [Monotone-devel] MtnSummit 2008

From: Markus Schiltknecht
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] MtnSummit 2008
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2007 13:05:39 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20071008)

Hello Thomas,

Thomas Keller wrote:
Thomas Moschny (thm) and I have been debating recently on irc if there
is still interest in the planned European Summit [0] and thm argued:

Oh, I'm sorry I've missed that discussion.

"someone simply has to do it, same way njs did last year"

so, we're actually looking for a volunteer who is able to spend some
time on more serious planning and organization. I'm willing to support
him/her as much as my current schedule allows it, but I won't have the
time to do it on my own.

Stand up, speak up!

I've offered that for Zurich about a month ago. But I got the impression that it's too expensive for most people.

Additionally, I'm somewhat disappointed by the low interest. But that might rather be an issue of my expectations :-)



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