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[Monotone-devel] on usage of /dev/random

From: Lapo Luchini
Subject: [Monotone-devel] on usage of /dev/random
Date: Thu, 12 Nov 2009 10:53:04 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090831)

Just to avoid losing track of the issue, discussed shortly on IRC:
(slightly edited for shortness and clarity, see the links for the
original sentences)
tommyd  I'm not an expert in this area, but maybe somebody else
        could reply to this?
thm     the question is, do we need a rng for anonynous pull at all?
lapo    I'm not a fan of a blocking /dev/random per se (as long as it
        is a CSPRNG like Yarrow or -better- Fortuna, it doesn't need
        to block, new entroy is only necessary to have forward secrecy),
        but I do agree that we ought to use /dev/random only
        to generate keys at most… or even not at all (?)
zwol    which rng issue?
thm     we use the rng without need
zwol    well, we shouldn't
thm     thus emptying the entropy pool
zwol    um, I think the network layer needs it for nonces?
        arguably it should use /dev/urandom for that but I don't
        think botan exposes the difference
        and /dev/urandom drains the entropy pool too

Lapo Luchini -

“Anyone who considers protocol unimportant has never dealt with a cat.”
(Robert A. Heinlein, , "The Cat Who Walks Through Walls", 1985)

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