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Re: [Monotone-devel] Version 0.46 breaks monotone-viz and mtn-browse

From: Thomas Keller
Subject: Re: [Monotone-devel] Version 0.46 breaks monotone-viz and mtn-browse
Date: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 14:57:39 +0100
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Am 28.01.2010 14:42, schrieb Nuno Lucas:
> [Re-sent with the right, subscribed to the list, e-mail]
> It seems both monotone-viz and mtn-browse get stuck with the automate stdio
> changes on 0.46. Is this intentional?
> I know monotone is still not considered "stable", but shouldn't at least
> strive
> to remain compatible with such useful programs? At least for
> monotone-viz, I
> consider it to be essential when using monotone, and mtn-browse is on
> the way to
>  be the same.

I've contacted Anthony E. Cooper (the author of mtn-browse and the
underlying perl lib) before the release of 0.46 and he said he was
willing to provide an updated version shortly after the release. I don't
know what his current status is however.

The issue with monotone-viz is a bit different. Olivier told me that he
cannot actively develop on this application anymore, but is still
willing to provide smallish updates. Thomas Moschny contacted him
already afaik because he packages monotone with Fedora and has a broken
monotone-viz package as well...

In general the modifications to both programs / libs should be rather
smallish - I've adapted the code for guitone in about half an hour
(while ignoring out-of-band chatter and especially tickers, but even
that should be doable in less than a day).

If anybody seeks for implementation help on any of these two clients,
drop me a note via IRC, I'm happy to help out.


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