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Re: crufty mhn.default.sh stuff

From: David Levine
Subject: Re: crufty mhn.default.sh stuff
Date: Sun, 23 Jan 2022 14:07:14 -0500

I wrote:

> I'd like to use xdg-open as the primary helper,

That turned out to not work well.  xdg-open returns immediately and
launches the application in the background.  So we'd have to do
something to keep the content file open until the application has a
chance.  I've been doing that for my web browser by adding a small
sleep, but that doesn't seem like a good thing to set in stone.

And, if a message has many images attached, they'd all get opened
almost at once.  I prefer to look at them one at a time.

And the same for open(1) on macOS.  It has a -W option to wait, but
that has another downside:  if the app stays open because it's in the
dock, open(1) doesn't return.

So I propose just these changes to mhn.defaults:

1. replace use of netpbm with mpv --keep-open, preferring mpv over xv
2. replace mpeg_play with mpv or mplayer (in that order) for video/mpeg
3. remove application/x-ivs support
4. remove text/richtext support

We'd go from the Current to Proposed configurations below.  [app1,
app2, ... appN] shows the order that mhn.defaults.sh uses when looking
for the helper for the specified content type and optional subtype.

[acroread, okular, evince, xpdf, gv]: application/pdf
[okular, evince, gv]: application/postscript
[ivs_replay]: application/x-ivs
[soffice]: application/msword
[splayer, raw2audio, cat >/dev/audio]: audio/basic
[adpcm_dec, play]: audio/x-next
[xv, netpbm + djpeg + xwud]: image
[w3m, lynx, elinks]: text/html
[richtext, rt2raw]: text/richtext
[mpeg_play]: video/mpeg

[acroread, okular, evince, xpdf, gv]: application/pdf
[okular, evince, gv]: application/postscript
[soffice]: application/msword
[splayer, raw2audio, cat >/dev/audio]: audio/basic
[adpcm_dec, play]: audio/x-next
[mpv --keep-open, xv]: image
[w3m, lynx, elinks]: text/html
[mpv, mplayer]: video/mpeg

Of course, the user can override any of this in their profile.



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