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Re: [Pika-dev] Guile FFI: resizable vector problem

From: duchier
Subject: Re: [Pika-dev] Guile FFI: resizable vector problem
Date: Wed, 04 Feb 2004 17:49:29 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

Matthew Dempsky <address@hidden> writes:

> I think you're misunderstanding the abstraction barrier we're using in
> Pika - let me try to explain again what's going on first.

I think you misunderstood the point I was trying to make: I was not
discussing the specific choices that may be currently embodied in the
pika implementation, I was suggesting and justifying a possible way of
designing abstractions that are robust in the face of concurrency
while incurring only minimal overhead.

For example, you could easily make your abstractions robust with
respect to concurrency by means of a single global lock, thus
effectively sequentializing all operations, but that would not be a
very good choice.  You could improve things by using one lock per
mutable datastructure, thus sequentializing operations only per
datastructure.  Finally, you could additionally rely on the argument
that I outlined (assuming that it can be proven correct) to require
even less locking.

Of course, whether pika's design makes it possible to take advantage
of such an option or not, is a separate question :-)


Denys Duchier - Équipe Calligramme - LORIA, Nancy, France

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