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Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Result too large [Errno 34] on OS X

From: Ilari Scheinin
Subject: Re: [rdiff-backup-users] Result too large [Errno 34] on OS X
Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2007 11:34:26 +0300

I was also getting the 'Result too large' error, and found Andrew's suggestion of running rdiff-backup with the option -v6. That way I was able to pinpoint the error to this file:

Regular copying ('Applications', 'Remote Buddy.app', 'Contents', 'PlugIns', 'NetNewsWire.rbscriptedbehaviour', 'Contents', 'Resources', 'English.lproj', 'Localizable.strings') to /Volumes/ Turva/Applications/Remote Buddy.app/Contents/PlugIns/ NetNewsWire.rbscriptedbehaviour/Contents/Resources/English.lproj/ rdiff-backup.tmp.4177

I excluded /Applications/Remote Buddy.app and I am currently running the backup again, and hopefully it will now finish without errors. I also tried to look at the file, but got these errors:

$ more Localizable.strings
read error  (press RETURN)

$ cat Localizable.strings
cat: Localizable.strings: Result too large

I have never seen those errors before. I tried some googling, but did not find anything that would be truly eye-opening for my level knowledge of low level file system access.

This mailing list thread gives the following explanation:
"This means that the accept() system call returned a file descriptor
that is larger than FD_SETSIZE.  This means you have (for some reason)
lots and lots of milter threads active."
http://lists.roaringpenguin.com/pipermail/mimedefang/2006-June/ 030492.html
It suggests that sendmail is a possible cause, but I am not running it.

This page says it is an an error from a Unix system call:

Does this ring a bell, anyone?


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