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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] * See wiki * is not clear

From: Nicodemo Alvaro
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] * See wiki * is not clear
Date: Sun, 30 Aug 2009 11:25:38 -0500

I think a single document would be a good idea.

Here's an example of what happens.

The reqiurements.php page seems to make certain things optional,
especially, in the "Speaking about Free Software" section.  The HowTo
comes after you create your name,  which we have requirments for. This
will lead  to confusion, in my opinion.

So, in speaking of patching Savannah

I have rebase set to true, Current branch master is up to date.

$ git config --get-regexp rebase
branch.master.rebase true
$ git pull
Current branch master is up to date.

I am not exactly sure what the signs are that gitk would tell you that
there is something out of order. In the section that gives a merge
diagram, it has a red dot next to it says "Local uncommited changes,
not checked into index".

Attached is the patch I want to apply for the Wiki page text.


Attachment: savannah.patch.register2
Description: Binary data

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