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Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Migration of GNU Savannah Web-pages from C

From: Assaf Gordon
Subject: Re: [Savannah-hackers-public] Migration of GNU Savannah Web-pages from CVS to GIT
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 19:24:23 -0500
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Hello Karl,

Thank you for giving it a try!

I think I've fixed the issues you've mentioned.
Please give it another try... the setup needs as much testing as possible.

Details below:

On 11/06/2014 05:10 PM, Karl Berry wrote:

Clicking on "cgit" or "gitweb there takes several minutes for me, [...]
I wonder about generating a static page
hourly or something, with links to the git web repositories.

I removed the links to cgit/gitweb repositories list.
Instead, this static page is generated with a script (not yet in cron, but 

"direct browsing" is a lot faster, but just browsing the raw files
doesn't seem that interesting.

I believe this is only used by people who are behind a firewall, and can not 
access the git-daemon on TCP port 9418.
There is indeed no reason to view it in a browser.

texinfo/texinfo.html has this comment near the top:
<!-- fofofof fdsfadsafdsaf -->

I did do some experiments on few repositories.
I've new reset them to the same state as the CVS.

I attempted to push a trivial change to the git texinfo.html and got:
error: Unable to append to ./logs/refs/heads/master: Permission denied
To address@hidden:/srv/git/web/texinfo.git
  ! [remote rejected] master -> master (failed to write)
error: failed to push some refs to 'address@hidden:/srv/git/web/texinfo.git'

My bad.
This should work now.
Please tell me if it doesn't.

Some repositories had extranous configuration option "logallrefupdates=true",
and writing to the log directory failed (at least it seems I've set the 
permissions correctly :) )

     For easier troubleshooting, update events are logged are reported on:

Nothing there.

The git hooks I've setup only trigger an update after successful commit (and 
yours failed, as above).
I hope you'll be able to push changes now, and then the updates will appear in 
the 'updates' list.

 - Assaf

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