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Sketch on Windows

From: Joonas Paalasmaa
Subject: Sketch on Windows
Date: Tue, 07 Oct 2003 16:29:20 GMT

Hello all,

I have managed to build all sketch's C extension modules using MSVC++ but I
still have some problems running the modules. At least the Trafo function of
the _sketch module crashes.
I tested the Trafo function using the script below. I set a breakpoint in
sktrafo_sktrafo() to see if the problem occurs inside the function. Python
crashed, a bit after sktrafo_sktrafo() was called, in gcmodule.c's
visit_decref(), because there was an access violation there. Isn't it a bug
in Python if ann access violation happens there?
import imp
_sketch = imp.load_dynamic( "_sketch", r"C:\sketch\sketch-head\sketch\Sketch\_sketch.pyd") Identity = _sketch.Trafo(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)
Is there something about Sketch that makes it difficult to make it work on
Windows? The CVS version i compiled uses GTK2 which should be supported on Windows. Sketch didn't compile out of the box using MSVC++, so I made the following changes to
sktrafo.c and to many other files (see ):
Added to SKTrafo_FromDouble:
#if ( __WIN32__ || _WIN32 )
  self->ob_type = &PyType_Type;
Added just after "PyTypeObject SKTrafoType = {":
#if ( __WIN32__ || _WIN32 )

- Joonas

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