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Re: [Traverso-devel] CDRDAO export

From: Jonatan Liljedahl
Subject: Re: [Traverso-devel] CDRDAO export
Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 23:24:41 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060516)

Remon wrote:
>> Actually I think the whole concept with songs inside projects is a
>> little strange! Is it actually useful? I'd prefer to make each song its
>> own project, and then have ability to import clips and regions from
>> other projects. And the CD export dialog could have functionality to put
>> several projects on the same CD, so that first all trackmarks from the
>> first project is used, then all of the next project, etc.. if a project
>> has no trackmarks it becomes one track.
> Well that's exactly the idea, a Song can be a project of it's own.
> Multiple Songs (or if you like to think of it as projects) can be used to 
> create your CD.

Yes, but I'm questioning the need to differ between Songs and Projects.
I think it sounds like more work and less flexibility. For example, can
I move one song from one project to another?

> CD Layout will be done in the future by a 'Song to CD' arranger like view, 
> where each Song is presented as a 'Clip' on a timeline, where you can fine 
> tune fades from one CD track into another etc...
> Does that make sense ?

Sure, a CD arranger view like that sounds very nice. As long as you keep
the possibility to put trackmarks inside one song, as it is now!

But wouldn't it be less work and complexity if we just export each song
to a file and insert them in a new empty project. Then you end up with a
project where each song of a CD is a clip, and it's easy to adjust gaps,
fades and gain between them! And also easy to have multiple trackmarks
in one song (clip), etc... No need to complicate things. The only bad
thing with this approach would be disk usage, since each song would need
to be exported to file first. But then, you probably want your songs
exported as WAV's anyhow, and cdrdao can read the data directly from
those exported songs so there's still no need to bounce it more than once.

/Jonatan         [ ]

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