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[Xlog-discussion] Many new stuff, also for Luc (xlog-0.8beta4)

From: Joop Stakenborg
Subject: [Xlog-discussion] Many new stuff, also for Luc (xlog-0.8beta4)
Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 20:33:29 +0100

The mailing list is back, here is a missing message:

There is a new beta available at:


List of changes:

* The defaults for logging now work with 'Click All' (right click on the QSO
  frame and select 'Click All' in the popup-menu) or Ctl-k, instead of the 
  toolbar buttons, which is much more convenient I think.
* There is a new settings menu called 'dialogs', which allows you to
  customize the number of columns in the 'Worked B4' dialog, see:
* If you select a QSO in the 'Worked B4' dialog, it will be highlighted in 
  the log. You can adjust the width of the columns in this dialog.
* Type ahead find has been added. Tell me what you think of it.
  If a callsign you type in the callsign entry matches a callsign in
  the log; name, qth, locator and remarks (depending if they are 
  visible or not) will be automatically filled in as it was in the last
  QSO you had with this station.
* Remote logging has been adapted for the 2 free fields. Luc, there is
  a little program in the source tree which should get you started, see
  remote/sendtoxlog.c. Please also read remote/README.
* Many little tweaks and changes.

Have fun testing!

Joop PA4TU

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