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[Xlog-discussion] Re: testing set_conf for Nate

From: Nate Bargmann
Subject: [Xlog-discussion] Re: testing set_conf for Nate
Date: Thu, 22 Feb 2007 19:26:03 -0600
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.13 (2006-08-11)

* Joop Stakenborg <address@hidden> [2007 Feb 22 12:44 -0600]:
> I have tried different hamlib settings (serial_speed and stop_bits)
> for the latest xlog version. My rig normally operates at 57600 with
> one stop bit. I have set it to some odd value: 4800 Baud and 2 stop bits.
> The appropriate line in ~/.xlog/preferences.xml now reads:
> <rigconf>serial_speed=4800,stop_bits=2</rigconf>
> This works perfectly, no errors!

As it does here.  It helps if the dumb operator on this end selects

How could I miss that?  I guess I confused that with the "transceive"
mode other rigs can be put into.  I selected it and all is working
well (well, the S-meter isn't working, but I'm not sure if I ever coded
that into the Hamlib backend for the FT-920).

Now, here is an idea for a future version.  A button to "suspend"
Hamlib might be useful to avoid contention when using gmfsk, fldigi, or
similar.  As it seems to work now, if I disable Hamlib support in the
Preferences dialog, my settings aren't preserved.

Someday I'll figure this computer stuff out!  *:-/

Sorry for the false alarm.  Sigh...

73, de Nate >>

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