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Re: Fwd: [Accessibility] Call to Arms

From: Eric S. Johansson
Subject: Re: Fwd: [Accessibility] Call to Arms
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2010 23:29:38 -0400
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 On 7/26/2010 6:37 PM, Tony Sales wrote:
Hi Guys, again this is a really interesting debate and I am pleased
that it hasn't broken down into a flame war. It shows that GNU/FSF
have slightly different priorities and interests to the disabled,
although there is a lot of overlap in these interests everyone would
like free accessibility software, the difference is how we achieve
this - by focussing all our efforts on free software which might take
a long time and leave disabled people alienated in the short-term (or
longer) but sticking with non-free software can slow down or even
undermine free software development. I think it is the realisation and
acceptance of this conflict of principles and needs etc that has to be
the starting point for understanding and progress. Sticking to a pure
free software route is unacceptable to disabled users who want to work
and get on with their lives. Using non-free software perpetuates it
and undermines the need to develop free software. I don't know what
the solution to this dilemma is, but I am certain this is the problem
we need to wrestle with i.e. what is the best way to meet the needs of
the disabled in the short-term, but the goals of the GNU/FSF in the
mid to longer term???

I think it was Christian that said something about splitting the project like gaul into three parts. I really like the idea because we could deal with user interface/tools/etc. in one project, bridge technology in another, and the recognizer in the third.

this is really great idea. It allows us to maintain consistency with the free software foundation philosophies but when it is strictly essential, those of us who are not part of the free software foundation can create a separate nonfree project to couple in NaturallySpeaking to the free components and satisfy the critical needs of disabled users potentially faster than than a totally free solution.

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