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Re: [Access-activists] Re: [Accessibility] Call to Arms

From: Christian Hofstader
Subject: Re: [Access-activists] Re: [Accessibility] Call to Arms
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 12:58:23 -0400
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rms: However, you say that the free software speech recognition programs
are so far behind that you consider them unusable.  If that is the
case, then we simply cannot recommend ANY program that works with

cdh: Has anyone actually done an objective study of the FLOSS speech reco engines with an eye on comparing them to DNS, IBM ViaVoice/ETI Eloquence, the dictation built into MS Windows Vista and 7? We all seem to be working under an assumption that DNS is superior to all others but have we tried a real world comparison? ALso, after we get going on our corpus collection project and train the FLOSS engines, we should do another compare and contrast between the currently existing engines. If the process shows us that the libre engines, after the retraining process, work reasonably well, we will have an acceptable alternative to DNS. Of course, if we don't know how well the different engines work relative t each other today, we have no baseline from which we can start to measure improvement/decay anywhere.

cdh: Can someone volunteer to read some standard bit of modern English, perhaps a chapter from Harry Potter or some other relatively simple vocabularly set, into a bunch of different FLOSS and proprietary engines and publish the results for each of us to check out?

cdh: From there, we can do our massive corpus collection, repeat the tests and know pretty well where we need to start. I think this would be a really useful exercise.

cdh: Also, I've never tested this but I've heard that DNS does poorly with command and control tasks as it prefers streams of speech rather than one or two words at a time. If this is true, it may be a really poor solution for the programming by voice solution as, in this modality, lots of single terms will be more necessary than continuous speech.

cdh: What do you people think?

Because our goal is to replace nonfree software, NOT to enhance it.

Happy Hacking,

Christian Hofstader
Director of Access Technology
FSF/Project GNU,
GNU's Not Unix!

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