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Re: [Accessibility] Call to Arms

From: Christian Hofstader
Subject: Re: [Accessibility] Call to Arms
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2010 13:21:35 -0400
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Eric, et al, Sorry for being so presumptious as to suggest an idea for doing something I thought might be helpful. I'm not an expert in this stuff - not even close - but, as there is so much interest in programming by voice and more general speech recognition tasks, I thought I might toss out a few ideas that came to mind. So, don't bang your head over me as I'm not terribly qualified to do more than dance in the dark,


On 07/28/2010 01:04 PM, Eric S. Johansson wrote:
 On 7/28/2010 12:26 PM, Christian Hofstader wrote:
eric: I would love to except much of the process requires computer programs that I can't use with currently available speech recognition. seriously Richard, you do have a chicken or egg problem. The free software foundation philosophy precludes enhancing nonfree software. I get that and I can make my peace with it. The cost is that you lose volunteers from the disabled community. If they can't enhance or expand on NaturallySpeaking capabilities, then they can't participate until you produce a large vocabulary continuous speech recognition system. Bit of an organizational pickle. But then again, the other solution is too.

cdh: I don't know if this is possible but, if we can build a limited vocabulary speech recognition engine designed to work explicitly for programmers that we can put out as emacs macros, would a person incapable of using a keyboard be able to help with the hacking? As it is emacs, we can do a whole lot of command and control statements as well as meta commands that can do a bunch of things with few words that would be useful to a hacker sans keyboard, if it can be done, it can be done in emacs and emacspeak and, therefore, this could be a very cool place to start that is probably a shorter route to getting hackers with this set of disabilities up and going to help build the next generation.

Head-desk head-desk head-desk

Believer or not, 90% of what you do when writing code is deal with English symbols modified according to an algorithm within your head. If you write comments (a forgotten skill), you need to use real English in a specialized framework to accommodate the stylistic needs of the code. When I wrote code, I would write a small novel worth of comments as I explore the idea of what I need to do in a piece of code. And yes, I kept the two in sync those who claim it's difficult, if a cryp can do it, <Eric says something rude about those who won't>.

Every time you create code, not only do you have plaintext modified by some rules, you have contextual data helping you interpret or anticipate what you're going to write. For example, if you know that something is instance of a class, the first time you create it, you know you need to deal with a constructor type signature. When you use it on the right hand side of the equation, you know it's just an instant and what follows it is the symbol joining into a method. This knowledge of the instance and its class tells you what can be spoken next. Once the method has been selected, then you know the type signature you need to speak to.

This is one example where the interrupting cow user interface would be really helpful. When you stop after the instance name, it can tell you what the methods are safe to speak the methods. If you pause after the method, it can tell you what the type signature is and even provide a wizard framework where you can go through and change arguments my name. This wizard framework would help cognitive overload (what do I say to get something I want) and make it easier to navigate by voice. It will also make it easier to recursively go through the argument definition process with another instance/method etc. as one of the arguments. I prefer to assign the output of all calls into separate variable and pass those variables. I think that's an artifact of how speech recognition works when writing code today.

But we are not limited to this old-fashioned 40 year old style of writing code. We can use different notations, different methods expressing code like literate programming which is a better match to speech recognition use.

Speaking the keyboard is a disaster. It will damage your voice. It will make you unable to speak much more quickly than any other technique. It is slow, it is error prone, he drives you to think about solving the problem using more difficult solutions. I'm sure they're other disasters about speaking the keyboard I've seen over the years which I will inform you of as they come to me.

Here's an experiment you can inflict on someone who likes you enough to be a guinea pig but not enough you are willing to ruin your relationship over.

Sit them in front of the computer.
you sit on the other side of the computer.
You give them the instructions to type exactly what you say and nothing else. If you go too fast, it's okay for them to drop words. Even if you threaten them with bodily harm, they are to type only what you say. if it makes her feel better, give them a telephone and dial 91 when they are in an editor, start dictating code. Remember if you go too fast, they will drop words on you.

Now, speak some text
second, speak some code
third, speak the code the way you are thinking of with a limited, non-word oriented dictation system.

Now, save the file and have them e-mail it to all of us (hopefully keeping you from cheating :-)

now look at the text. If you're using a modern speech recognition engine, you should have about one error in 20 words. Typos in this test count as misrecognition's. If a person truly knew nothing about coding, you see something that vaguely recognize what's in your code but, it's not going to be pretty. You'll probably also noticed that you are much more tired in the third case then you were the second case that's not just the dictation fatigue that's actual fatigue caused by mental overload and physical strain the voice.

I'm sorry this sucks so bad and there's no simple answer but, think about this. You have had some very smart people for 15 years working on this problem and we don't have a good solution. I'm hoping this good group of people can have more luck coming up with a better solution.

cdh: ALso, an area about which I am nearly totally ignorant is on screen keyboards. I'm told that GNOME 3 has a much better replacement for GOC coming that may also be useful for people who cannot use a standard keyboard.

yes I've heard that too. I am hopeful because for extremely disabled people, who have no other option, it's opening a new world for them. Something like this could be the basis for unicorn stick (using touchscreen) , toggle switches, or scanning input.

I still think unicorn sticks are drunken frat initiation prank.

Happy Hacking,

Christian Hofstader
Director of Access Technology
FSF/Project GNU,
GNU's Not Unix!

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