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Re: [aspell-devel] suggestion algorithm

From: Karl Chen
Subject: Re: [aspell-devel] suggestion algorithm
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 2005 22:50:15 -0700
User-agent: Gnus/5.110004 (No Gnus v0.4) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

decipehr soundslike TSPR
decipher soundslike TSF

corretcing soundslike KRTSN
correcting soundslike KRKTN

Summary of my understanding:

- Metaphone is a transformation from text to a "sounds-like"
  representation, very similar to Soundex.

- Ispell suggests words with small edit-distance in the text plane

    - This is good at finding typos

- Aspell suggests words with small edit-distance in the Metaphone

    - This is good at finding the correct spelling for a word a
      user doesn't know how to the spelling

    - This is poor at finding typos, a single transposition or
      substitution in the text plane can yield very different
      Metaphone strings

    - E.g. transposition in text plane can lead to 2-character
      change in the metaphone plane

I suggest:

- Populate the suggestions list with the regular edit-distance
  (ispell) algorithm.  The scoring algorithm needn't change.

What do you think?


=========== begin suggest decipehr ===========
Threshold is: 295
try_for: 250
Size of scored: 11
Size of ! scored: 82
Size of scored: 49
Size of ! scored: 42
Try Harder: 0

decipehr        TSPR
Desiree 235     TSR
desire  242     TSR
Cipro   252     SPR
despair 255     TSP
disciple        260     TSPL
drapery 260     TRPR
despise 262     TSPS
despite 262     TSPT
Desiri  265     TSR
dispel  267     TSPL
Desirae 270     TSR
sprier  277     SPR
despot  280     TSPT
tempera 280     TMPR
despoiler       287     TSPL
dapperer        290     TPR
despairs        292     TSPS
Diaspora        295     TSPR
diaspora        295     TSPR
disappear       302     TSP
^^^^^^^^^^^  end suggest decipehr  ^^^^^^^^^^^
& decipehr 20 0: Desiree, desire, Cipro, despair, disciple, drapery, despise, 
despite, Desiri, dispel, Desirae, sprier, despot, tempera, despoiler, dapperer, 
despairs, Diaspora, diaspora, disappear

=========== begin suggest deciphre ===========
Threshold is: 192
try_for: 150
Size of scored: 4
Size of ! scored: 62
Size of scored: 5
Size of ! scored: 59
Try Harder: 0

deciphre        TSFR
decipher        77      TSF
deciphers       115     TSFS
deciphered      117     TSFRT
desire  187     TSR
^^^^^^^^^^^  end suggest deciphre  ^^^^^^^^^^^
& deciphre 4 0: decipher, deciphers, deciphered, desire

Karl 2005-10-26 22:29

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