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Re: include bindir in AUTOM4TE default

From: Jens Petersen
Subject: Re: include bindir in AUTOM4TE default
Date: 06 Dec 2001 19:32:23 +0900
User-agent: Gnus/5.0808 (Gnus v5.8.8) XEmacs/21.4 (Civil Service)

Alexandre Duret-Lutz <address@hidden> writes:

> >>> "juhp" == Jens Petersen <address@hidden> writes:
>  juhp> Or maybe I misunderstood your patch.  But it seems to be
>  juhp> that in the PATH case it doesn't solve the problem of
>  juhp> another autom4te lying ahead of the desired one in the
>  juhp> path.
> I don't see how this can happen unless you have a broken
> installation (e.g. autom4te installed without autoconf).
> Otherwise both files are installed in the same directory, the
> PATH search will always stop in the first directory that
> contains them, hence you can't have an autom4te ahead of the
> desired one.

Ok, I take it back.  I guess you're right, though I believe
it would be safer if the broken install case could be
treated too.

Btw is autom4te used standalone much, or at all?  If it
isn't then I agree with Ralf about moving it out of bindir
to say datadir.


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