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[avr-gcc-list] hi guys a new bie having prob with IAR format
From: |
gaurav ajwani |
Subject: |
[avr-gcc-list] hi guys a new bie having prob with IAR format |
Date: |
Mon, 17 Jan 2005 18:53:50 +0000 (GMT) |
i am trying to convert a IAR workbench format code to
GCC code but i am not able to find the correct help
regarding the variuos keywords used in the IAR format.
i m attaching below the text file which i want to
convert according to my specifications actually its
written for mega 128 and i want to use it for mega 169
in butterfly and i m aquainted with avrgcc so i also
need to understand this file but i m facing a lot many
difficulties. the file is as folows
* Atmel Corporation
* File : adpcm.c
* Compiler : IAR EWAAVR 3.10C
* Revision : $Revision: 1.4 $
* Support mail : address@hidden
* Supported devices : This example is written for the
ATmega128. The firmware
* should compile on any AVR with
at least 4kB of Flash
* memory (plus enough room for
sound data).
* AppNote : AVR336: ADPCM Decoder.
* Description : ADPCM Decoder routines.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "adpcm.h"
#include "ioavr.h"
#include "inavr.h"//can anyone tell me why is this
header file used
// Q7 notation
static short *_dqlntab;//why in this program every
variable starting with _
static short _dqlntab2[2] = {117, 364};
static short _dqlntab3[4] = {-2048, 135, 273, 373};
static short _dqlntab4[8] = {-2048, 4, 135, 213, 273,
323, 373, 425};
static short _dqlntab5[16] = {-2048, -66, 28, 104,
169, 224, 274, 318,
358, 395, 429, 459, 488, 514, 539, 566};
// Q4 notation
static short *_witab;
static short _witab2[2] = {-22, 439};
static short _witab3[4] = {-4, 30, 137, 582};
static short _witab4[8] = {-12, 18, 41, 64, 112, 198,
355, 1122};
static short _witab5[16] = {14, 14, 24, 39, 40, 41,
58, 100,
141, 179, 219, 280, 358, 440, 529, 696};
// Q9 notation
static short *_fitab;
static short _fitab2[2] = {0, 0xE00};
static short _fitab3[4] = {0, 0x200, 0x400, 0xE00};
static short _fitab4[8] = {0, 0, 0, 0x200, 0x200,
0x200, 0x600, 0xE00};
static short _fitab5[16] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x200,
0x200, 0x200,
0x200, 0x200, 0x400, 0x600, 0x800, 0xA00, 0xC00,
extern char __hugeflash *packed; // pointer to
ADPCM-packed sound record
extern signed int sample;
extern int buffer[];
extern unsigned char da_ind;
extern unsigned char decoder_ind;
* Initializes adpcm state (initial values defined in
ITU-T G.726
* recommendation).
void initialize_adpcm(adpcm_state state){
int n;
state->yl = 34816;
state->yu = 544;
state->dms = 0;
state->dml = 0;
state->ap = 0;
for (n = 0; n < 2; n++) {
state->a[n] = 0;
state->pk[n] = 0;
//state->sr[n] = 32; //fp with 4 bit exp, 6 bit
mant -> 32 = 1,5 * 2^0
state->sr[n] = 2;
for (n = 0; n < 6; n++) {
state->b[n] = 0;
state->dq[n] = 32;
state->dq[n] = 2;
state->td = 0;
case 2:
_dqlntab = _dqlntab2;
_witab = _witab2;
_fitab = _fitab2;
case 3:
_dqlntab = _dqlntab3;
_witab = _witab3;
_fitab = _fitab3;
case 4:
_dqlntab = _dqlntab4;
_witab = _witab4;
_fitab = _fitab4;
case 5:
_dqlntab = _dqlntab5;
_witab = _witab5;
_fitab = _fitab5;
_dqlntab = _dqlntab4;
_witab = _witab4;
_fitab = _fitab4;
* Setup Timer/Counter1 to work in fast PWM mode to
generate sound
void initialize_pwm(void){
// clear OCR1A on compare match (set on TOP), fast
pwm mode
TCCR1A = (1<<COM1A1) | (1<<WGM11) | (0<<WGM10);
//fast pwm mode, counter top value 0x1FF, prescaler
is 1
// => 8MHz cs, 8-bit pwm (or 16MHz, 9-bit) : 31,250
kHz, ~4*8kHz
// (pwm frequency should be at least 4 * sample
TCCR1B = (0<<WGM13) | (1<<WGM12) | (0<<CS12) |
(0<<CS11) | (1<<CS10);
//Set data direction of the OCR1A pin/ PORTB5 to
DDRB |= (1<<DDB5);
// Timer/Counter 3 to CTC mode
TCCR3B = (1<<WGM32) | (0<<CS12) | (0<<CS11) |
// Count to 4*0x1FF -> 7.8125 KHz freq.
OCR3A = 0x1FF * 4;
// Reset counter
TCNT3 = 0;
// Enable Output Compare Match A Interrupt on TC3
ETIMSK |= (1<<OCIE3A);
* Converts logaritmic dql to linear domain,
* returns dq (15-bit SM).
#pragma inline
int antilog(int sign, int dql){
short dex; // exponent
short dmn; // mantissa
short dqmag; // magnitude
if (dql < 0) {
return ((sign) ? -1 : 0);
} else {
dex = (dql >> 7) & 15; // exponent (4 bits)
dmn = dql & 127; // mantissa (7 + 1 bits)
dmn = 128 + dmn;
dqmag = ((long)dmn << 7) >> (14 - dex);
return (sign ? -dqmag : dqmag);
* Updates adaptive predictor coefficients a and b
short update_pred_coeff(int dq, // quantized
prediction difference
int sr, // reconstructed signal
int dqsez, // difference from 2-pole
char tr, // transition
char pk0,
adpcm_state state){
short a2p;
short a1ul;
char pks1;
char pks2;
short fa1;
if (tr == 1) { // transition signal -> zero coeffs
state->a[0] = 0;
state->a[1] = 0;
state->b[0] = 0;
state->b[1] = 0;
state->b[2] = 0;
state->b[3] = 0;
state->b[4] = 0;
state->b[5] = 0;
a2p = 0;
} else {
pks1 = pk0 ^ state->pk[0];
pks2 = pk0 ^ state->pk[1];
a2p = state->a[1] - (state->a[1] >> 7); //
update a2
if (dqsez != 0) {
fa1 = (pks1) ? state->a[0] : -state->a[0];
if (fa1 < -8191) // a[0] < -0.5 ?
a2p -= 0x100;
else if (fa1 > 8191) // a[0] > 0.5 ?
a2p += 0xFF;
a2p += fa1 >> 5;
if (pks2)
if (a2p <= -12160)
a2p = -12288;
else if (a2p >= 12416)
a2p = 12288;
a2p -= 0x80;
else if (a2p <= -12416)
a2p = -12288;
else if (a2p >= 12160)
a2p = 12288;
a2p += 0x80;
state->a[1] = a2p;
state->a[0] -= state->a[0] >> 8; // update a1
if (dqsez != 0)
if (pks1 == 0)
state->a[0] += 192;
state->a[0] -= 192;
// limit a1:
a1ul = 15360 - a2p;
if (state->a[0] < -a1ul)
state->a[0] = -a1ul;
else if (state->a[0] > a1ul)
state->a[0] = a1ul;
// update adaptive predictor b coeffs
if (BITS == 5){ // 5-bit adpcm code
state->b[0] -= state->b[0] >> 9;
state->b[1] -= state->b[1] >> 9;
state->b[2] -= state->b[2] >> 9;
state->b[3] -= state->b[3] >> 9;
state->b[4] -= state->b[4] >> 9;
state->b[5] -= state->b[5] >> 9;
}else{ // 2-, 3-, and 4-bit
state->b[0] -= state->b[0] >> 8;
state->b[1] -= state->b[1] >> 8;
state->b[2] -= state->b[2] >> 8;
state->b[3] -= state->b[3] >> 8;
state->b[4] -= state->b[4] >> 8;
state->b[5] -= state->b[5] >> 8;
if ((dq ^ state->dq[0]) >= 0)
state->b[0] += 128;
state->b[0] -= 128;
if ((dq ^ state->dq[1]) >= 0)
state->b[1] += 128;
state->b[1] -= 128;
if ((dq ^ state->dq[2]) >= 0)
state->b[2] += 128;
state->b[2] -= 128;
if ((dq ^ state->dq[3]) >= 0)
state->b[3] += 128;
state->b[3] -= 128;
if ((dq ^ state->dq[4]) >= 0)
state->b[4] += 128;
state->b[4] -= 128;
if ((dq ^ state->dq[5]) >= 0)
state->b[5] += 128;
state->b[5] -= 128;
state->dq[5] = state->dq[4];
state->dq[4] = state->dq[3];
state->dq[3] = state->dq[2];
state->dq[2] = state->dq[1];
state->dq[1] = state->dq[0];
state->dq[0] = dq;
state->sr[1] = state->sr[0];
state->sr[0] = sr;
return a2p;
* Adaptive predictor, calculates signal estimates se
& sez
#pragma inline
short predictor(short *sez, adpcm_state state){
long sezi;
long tmp;
// Q16 * Q0 -> 32-bit Q16
tmp = (long)state->b[0] * (long)state->dq[0];
sezi = tmp;
tmp = (long)state->b[1] * (long)state->dq[1];
sezi += tmp;
tmp = (long)state->b[2] * (long)state->dq[2];
sezi += tmp;
tmp = (long)state->b[3] * (long)state->dq[3];
sezi += tmp;
tmp = (long)state->b[4] * (long)state->dq[4];
sezi += tmp;
tmp = (long)state->b[5] * (long)state->dq[5];
sezi += tmp;
*sez = sezi >> 18;
tmp = (long)state->a[0] * (long)state->sr[0];
sezi += tmp;
tmp = (long)state->a[1] * (long)state->sr[1];
sezi += tmp;
sezi = sezi >> 18;
return (sezi);
* Decodes ADPCM signal i. Returns 14-bit linear PCM
int decode(char i, adpcm_state state){
short se, sez;
short y;
short sr;
short dq;
short dql;
short dqsez;
char sign;
char tr;
char pk0;
int dif;
int al;
long tmp;
int ylfrac;
long ylint;
int mag;
int dqthr;
int thr1, thr2;
static short a2p = 0;
* Adaptive Predictor
se = predictor(&sez, state);
* Scale factor adaptation
if (state->ap >= 256)
y = state->yu;
else {
y = (state->yl >> 6);
dif = state->yu - y;
al = state->ap >> 2;
if (dif > 0)
y += ((long)((long)dif * (long)al)) >> 6;
else if (dif < 0)
y += ((long)((long)dif * (long)al + 0x3f)) >> 6;
* Difference signal dq calculation
sign = i & (1<<(BITS-1)); // split ADPCM
code to sign
if(i>=(1<<(BITS-1))) // and magnitude
i = ((1<<BITS)-1)-i;
dql = _dqlntab[i] + (y >> 2);
dq = antilog(sign, dql); // dq: 15-bit tc
sr = se + dq; // reconstructed
signal calc.
dqsez = dq + sez; // pole prediction
pk0 = (dqsez < 0) ? 1 : 0;
* Transition detection
if (state->td == 0){ // td(k-1) is 0 if a2(k-1) was
>= -0.71875
tr = 0;
mag = abs(dq);
ylint = state->yl >> 15;
ylfrac = (state->yl >> 10) & 0x1F;
thr1 = (32 + ylfrac) << ylint;
thr2 = (ylint > 9) ? 31 << 10 : thr1;
dqthr = (thr2 + (thr2 >> 1)) >> 1;
if (mag <= dqthr)
tr = 0;
tr = 1;
* Scale factor step size update
tmp = ((long)_witab[i]) << 5;
state->yu = y + ((tmp - y) >> 5);
if (state->yu < 544) // limit yu:
state->yu = 544; // 1.06 (544 Q9) <
yu < 10.00 (5120 Q9)
else if (state->yu > 5120)
state->yu = 5120;
state->yl = update_yl(state->yl, state->yu);
* Adaptive predictor coefficient update
a2p = update_pred_coeff(dq, sr, dqsez, tr, pk0,
state->pk[1] = state->pk[0];
state->pk[0] = pk0;
* Tone Detection
if (tr == 1)
state->td = 0;
else if (a2p < -11776)
state->td = 1;
state->td = 0;
* Adaptation Speed Control parameter update
state->dms += (_fitab[i] - state->dms) >> 5;
// fi to Q11, subtraction, mult by 2^-7
state->dml += (((_fitab[i] << 2) - state->dml) >>
// transition?
if (tr == 1)
state->ap = 256; // ap = 1;
// y < 3 (idle channel)?
else if (y < 1536) // ap = (1-2^-4)ap + 2^-3
state->ap += (0x200 - state->ap) >> 4;
// tone?
else if (state->td == 1)
state->ap += (0x200 - state->ap) >> 4;
// average magnitude of I changing rapidly?
// dms q12, dml q14
else if (abs((state->dms << 2) - state->dml) >=
(state->dml >> 3))
//else if (abs(state->dms - (state->dml >> 2)) >=
(state->dml >> 1))
state->ap += (0x200 - state->ap) >> 4;
state->ap += (-state->ap) >> 4;
if(abs(sr) > 8192)
sr = dq + se - 1;
return sr;
* Gets one ADPCM code (2, 3, 4 or 5 bits) from flash
* Returns END_OF_DATA when at the end of recording.
* of recording is INPUTSIZE.
unsigned char get_code(void){
static unsigned int in_buffer = 0;
static char in_bits = 0;
static long buf_offset = 0;
unsigned char in_byte;
unsigned char code;
if (in_bits < BITS) {
in_byte = *(packed + buf_offset++);
if (buf_offset >= INPUTSIZE){
buf_offset = 0;
in_buffer = 0;
in_bits = 0;
return END_OF_DATA;
in_buffer |= (in_byte << in_bits);
in_bits += 8;
code = in_buffer & ((1 << BITS) - 1);
in_buffer >>= BITS;
in_bits -= BITS;
return code;
* Timer/Counter3 "compare match A" ISR. Updates the
OCR1A register.
#pragma vector = TIMER3_COMPA_vect
__interrupt void TIMER3_COMPA(void)
PORTB &= 0xFB;
OCR1A = buffer[da_ind++] + 256;
if(da_ind >= BUFFER_SIZE)
da_ind = 0;
// what to do if decoding takes too long and buffer
gets empty?
if(da_ind == decoder_ind){
PORTB |= 0x4;
i m not able to figure out what is TCNT3,16bit in
atmeg128, doing in this particular code
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- [avr-gcc-list] hi guys a new bie having prob with IAR format,
gaurav ajwani <=