From: | Bjarne Laursen |
Subject: | Re: [avr-gcc-list] hi guys a new bie having prob with IAR format |
Date: | Tue, 18 Jan 2005 15:18:59 +0100 |
User-agent: | Mozilla Thunderbird 0.7.3 (Windows/20040803) |
gaurav ajwani wrote:
You have some data in flash, you will need to study how to do that in avr-gcchi,
<> > extern char __hugeflash *packed;It appear that timer/counter 3 is set up to generate interrupts with some interval,
// Timer/Counter 3 to CTC mode TCCR3B = (1<<WGM32) | (0<<CS12) | (0<<CS11) | (1<<CS10); // Count to 4*0x1FF -> 7.8125 KHz freq.OCR3A = 0x1FF * 4; // Reset counter TCNT3 = 0; // Enable Output Compare Match A Interrupt on TC3ETIMSK |= (1<<OCIE3A); }
This is how IAR would declare the interrupt, you will need to study how to do that in avr-gcc
#pragma vector = TIMER3_COMPA_vect __interrupt void TIMER3_COMPA(void) {
i m not able to figure out what is TCNT3,16bit in atmeg128, doing in this particular code
You will probaly also need to study the theory behind the code. -Bjarne
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