As Dave Hansen wrote:
Has anyone put any thought into how we might get avr-gcc to do
something other than silently generate incorrect code when the user
specifies an incorrect SIG_* (or *_vect) symbol?
Marek already did, but I think it's only available starting with GCC
4.x. The compiler generates a warning when it sees a function that
has the interrupt or signal attribute, yet where the name doesn't
start with __vector.
As Marek Michalkiewicz wrote:
- I do like the idea that Royce has (above) about naming the ISR
function any name. However, I agree with Joerg, in that it would
take an awful lot of effort. Perhaps someday, but not now.
Probably not that awful :) - see how it is done in the msp430 port.
I didn't doubt it could be done, but I'm afraid of the API change.
With only you and Björn actively committing to GCC and binutils, and
the need to coordinate an API change in GCC with the respective
changes in avr-libc, that's too much effort for me for too little win.
Actually, the only win is that there are no silly __vector_* names
anymore in the binary (and thus in the debugger).
I'd rather see that energy spent into optimizing ISRs so the compiler
could effectively issue a `naked' ISR automatically for things like:
PORTB |= _BV(4);
(No __zero_reg__ needed, not even SREG will be changed. No pushes, no
pops needed.)