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Re: [avrdude-dev] avrdude \winder\usb

From: Neil Davey
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] avrdude \winder\usb
Date: Thu, 15 Feb 2007 10:16:19 +1000
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)


address@hidden wrote:

I have a silly question.

Given that avrdudes support for USB programmers like the jtagmkii and avrispmkii under windows is functionally non existant because of driver issue.
Not really... I've got a version of 5.1csv that I built that supports usb under windows.. I use the avrispmkii almost every other day..
You do need to install libusb-win32 to make it all work though..

>From what I've heard even if you do compile avrdude to handle usb
devices under windows, you'll have a driver conflict with avrstudio's USB driver.
Can't say I have that problem... the two co-exist on my machine... I flick from avrdude to avrstudio from time to time (ie to check fuses etc). The only problem I've had is that after I've used avrstudio, *sometimes* avrdude can't find my avrispmkii again.. but a plug out - plug in cycle fixes that..

Would it be possible to rework avrdude to just use the jungo usb
driver that comes with AVRstudio?  Would seem to me that is such
a thing was done then avrdude would tend to 'just work' with usb
devices under windoze.

Mr Foo

avrdude-dev mailing list

Neil Davey
Griffith University

Centre for Wireless Monitoring and Applications
Griffith School of Engineering
Nathan Campus
Phone: 07-3735-7008
Fax: 07-3735-5112

School of Psychology - ACNRC
Mt Gravatt Campus
Phone: 07-3735-3395

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