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Re: [avrdude-dev] Hosting requirements in avrdude

From: Mario Castelán Castro
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] Hosting requirements in avrdude
Date: Sat, 17 Apr 2010 00:23:17 -0500

Hash: SHA256

April 16th 2010 in address@hidden thread "Hosting requirements
in avrdude".

>Mario .. I respect your opinion, but I disagree with it.  Are you
>saying that Savannah won't host software if someone decides that
>"Linux" is sufficient.  Really?

The hosting requirments are there for the sake of the free software
community, and it's explained along the GNU essays.  Therefore we
always ask the mantainer to fix the issue before proceed to apply
stronger actions.

BTW: I'm concerned about writing correct english but I have not a
spell checker installed (Yet).  Thanks for your corrections.

>Sorry Mario, but I don't follow the "GNU/Linux" mantra.  -GNU- tools
>are at best a small part of a modern system.  Have most pieces of
>software been compiled with gcc?

No, read http://www.gnu.org/gnu/why-gnu-linux.html if you are
concerned about why it's important (And required) to acklowledge the
GNU work and philosophy when using GNU Savannnah.

>Likely, but what's a compiler good for without a kernel and hardware.
>Maybe it should be (AMD/IBM/Intel/Phoenix)/Linux/GNU OS?  ^_^


>'Linux' is perfectly fine.  Everyone knows who GNU are, there's no
>need to be parasitic.


- ---

In the other hand...

>Hi Mario,

>Thanks for pointing out these issues. Please fill out bug reports for
>each of these issues at the avrdude Bug Tracker here:
><https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?group=avrdude> As issues that are
>brought up on emails have a tendency to get lost very quickly.

>If you would like to submit patches to help fix these issues, it
>would certainly be appreciated. You can submit patches to the avrdude
>Patch Manager here:

...while David loose his time discussing and Martin do loose his time
with thing alredy answered in
http://www.gnu.org/gnu/gnu-linux-faq.html Eric kindly face the
problem.  Thanks Erick! :).

I just open the task you sugessted in
https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/index.php?29581.  I will be glad to
help in this.  Tomorrow I will send the patch.  I can also apply the
patch straight to the SVN repository to avoid duplocate work, as you
wish :).

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