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Re: [avrdude-dev] avrrftdi driver port selection

From: Hannes Weisbach
Subject: Re: [avrdude-dev] avrrftdi driver port selection
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 2014 12:01:59 +0100

Am 17.01.2014 um 10:16 schrieb Jon Schneider <address@hidden>:

> Here is some output. I have 'scoped it. nRESET, MOSI, and SCK are being 
> wiggled but I don't see anything on MISO.
Ok.  You can use -b to set the frequency.  The default is 150kHz,
which is usually unproblematic, but bad cabling may require a slower
connection.  Give -b 10000 a try.  Also use short cables and a low
inductance ground return.

How (fast) is the ATtiny clocked?  Beware that the SPI-frequency must
be (well) below of 1/4 of the oscillator frequency.

Best regards,

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