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[avrdude-dev] Adding ELF file loader

From: Henrik Haftmann
Subject: [avrdude-dev] Adding ELF file loader
Date: Tue, 11 Dec 2018 15:54:29 +0100
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once again I ask for ELF file support, for the following reasons:

* Better integration into avr-gcc development workflow, omitting the (possibly error-prone) avr-objcopy step * Integration of EEPROM, device type and fuses into ELF file is a catch-all for /all/ information
* No distinct EEPROM file necessary
* Less command-line length (no fuses and device type necessary)
* Less file size if linked with -s switch (or avr-strip application) for distribution of prebuilt firmware (ELF vs. HEX)

ELF files can be safely auto-detected.

An additional switch would be required whether to set the EEPROM, fuses, and lock bits out of the ELF file or not. Default to "Ask when different to the bits in the device" may be helpful. Moreover, writing EEPROM should depend on the current and inside-file EESAVE fuse setting by default in a most acceptable behaviour.

Possible source code (at no license, i.e. public domain) is here:

(store_buffer() is external that takes an address and a data byte)

Entire project (= a parallel programmer):

Henrik Haftmann

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