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Re: [Bino-list] native 3D-TV support (request)

From: Daniel Fratzscher
Subject: Re: [Bino-list] native 3D-TV support (request)
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2011 14:59:30 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.1; de; rv: Gecko/20110303 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.9

Hi Martin,

please do not remove hdmi-frame-pack. We (you) are close to get it working perfectly :-). My TV show proper stereo. (Both frmes are centered to the correct position) The black bars are equally distributed between top and bottom. The output (3d on TV enabled, 2 video streams of 1920x1080 pixel) look like this:
|               |
|________|  (both frames perfectly aligned)

but should look like this:


It worked with the with the small change I send on 21.03. before you fixed the distribution of the black bars. I hope I managed to describe the problem as exact as needed. Please let me know if you need more Information.


Am 30.03.2011 11:22, schrieb Martin Lambers:
Hi Daniel!

On 30/03/11 11:12, Daniel Fratzscher wrote:
Am 29.03.2011 20:42, schrieb Martin Lambers:
On 29/03/11 13:09, Daniel Fratzscher wrote:
tried your latest patch this weekend. The orientation of both frames
seems correct (both frames at the same position in 3D-Mode) but at least
in HDMI-mode they are half in heigt (like top-bottom-half).
When using HDMI mode (or top-bottom-half) on a normal monitor, the
frames will be half in height, but they should look correct if you
switch your 3D display to the corresponding mode. Did you check this?
even when changing the resolution to the corresponding mode, apsect
ratio stays wrong (only checked in HDMI-mode).
In order to debug this, I need to know exactly what goes wrong and
exactly what output you get.

Do you see the video in proper stereo, just with half the height? In
this case, there must be a large black area somewhere. Is it at the top,
at the bottom, or equally distributed between top and bottom?

Please describe the situation as precise as possible (input video, input
stereo layout, input aspect ratio, expected output, actual output). If
we cannot get the hdmi-frame-pack mode to work properly, I'll have to
remove it.


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