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Re: [Bino-list] bino on E6700

From: Robert Pliszko
Subject: Re: [Bino-list] bino on E6700
Date: Sat, 10 Sep 2011 22:05:11 +0200
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On 10.09.2011 22:03, Robert Pliszko wrote:

I've noticed very strange behavior on E6700 family Core 2 Duo
processors. I've created little system on ubuntu, I've installed xbmc,
bino and my plugin to play 3D movies from xbmc.
The problem was when I tried play 3d movie, bino not response...
The display made all black, and nothing more. Command "ps ax" show the
bino is running.
I've tested this system on my laptop, and everything worked fine (P8400
family Core 2 Duo processors). I've tried change bios values like
multithreading. I've noticed if I disable multithreading it is big
chance to run correctly, but it's still running randomly...
So, only on my laptop works fine!
I have no idea, how I can solve it.
Can anybody help me?
If you want I can share my system, and explain how install it.


I've forgotten to write down the running on amd processor made the same effect (not working).

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