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Re: [Bino-list] bino on E6700

From: Robert Pliszko
Subject: Re: [Bino-list] bino on E6700
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2011 22:24:33 +0200
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On 12.09.2011 21:54, Martin Lambers wrote:
> Hi Robert!
> I think we need a little more information about the problems.
> - Does every video fail, or only some files? If the latter, can you
> point us to an example?

If I do not use command "strace" before "bino" every video file doesn't play.

> - How did you disable multithreading?

In the BIOS option. I think it doesn't matter.

> - Does ffplay work? (The ffplay version that comes with the ffmpeg
> version that you use with Bino).

That's impossible to find out. I've compiled bino with static libraries of ffmpeg via ppa.

> - Does Bino work in a "normal" environment (i.e. with a proper window
> manager)?

No. It doesn't. I've checked it on fluxbox on new HTPC (on the laptop everything is ok with fluxbox, and without).

> - Which version was the last that worked? Which is the first that fails?
> (Ideally, you could even use git bisect to identify the single patch
> that breaks your use case).

I've playing on my laptop earlier, and as I wrote it was working perfectly. The problem has started when I built new HTPC.

> You can ignore the exception "bino: [dbg] Exception: Cannot convert
> string to long long.". It just tries to read metadata which is not
> present; nothing important.

I do not know what think about it. It's very strange. When python script execute command "/usr/bin/bino ....." it doesn't play, when I change python script to execute command "/usr/bin/strace -o <file> /usr/bin/bino ..." it's working. Bino is external player of xbmc. When started bino, xbmc hide, and disable lirc and other processes.
As I wrote I can share this system which I built to debug.


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