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Re: [Bug-AUCTeX] latest CVS auctex fails to build under Mac OS X 10.4.3

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: [Bug-AUCTeX] latest CVS auctex fails to build under Mac OS X 10.4.3 and xemacs 21.5.24
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2005 12:57:36 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Artemio Gonzalez Lopez <address@hidden> writes:

> Building of of latest CVS auctex fails at the make phase under Mac OS
> X 10.4.3 and xemacs 21.5.24 with the following error:
> Compiling /Users/artemio/Archive/auctex/preview/prv-xemacs.el...
> Ignoring `eval:' in the local variables list
> While compiling toplevel forms in file
> /Users/artemio/Archive/auctex/preview/prv-xemacs.el:
>    !! File error (("Cannot open load file" "tex"))
>  >>Error occurred processing prv-xemacs.el: Cannot open load file: "tex"
> Done
> /opt/local/bin/xemacs -batch -q -no-site-file -no-init-file --eval
> (setq load-path (cons "." load-path)) -eval (let ((dir (pop
> command-line-args-left))) (if (not (string-equal dir "")) (push dir
> load-path))) /Users/artemio/.xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp -f 
> batch-byte-compile preview.el

This pushes /Users/artemio/.xemacs/xemacs-packages/lisp into the
load-path.  However, this would need to be rather the .. directory
where the compiled and uninstalled tex.el is sitting.

Anybody have an idea what is wrong here?  I am online per Modem and
don't have too much time to go hunting here on Xmas.

David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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