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Re: 1.11 doesn't add sources with nonstandard suffixes when making a bin

From: Юрий Пухальский
Subject: Re: 1.11 doesn't add sources with nonstandard suffixes when making a binary
Date: Mon, 30 Nov 2009 11:15:23 +0300

I've tried using oldstyle libraries, to no avail... It has made a
library like this (last lines of "ar t" output):

2009/11/28 Jack Kelly <address@hidden>:
> 2009/11/28 Юрий Пухальский <address@hidden>:
>> -snip-
>>> My bad. I meant noinst_LIBRARIES, so you make a libcommon.a instead of
>>> libcommon.la. This goes into LDADD as with libtool convenience
>>> libraries.
>> I haven't checked it, but does it support library dependencies like
>> .la? This i use extensively.
> Yes, you can. See
> http://www.gnu.org/software/hello/manual/automake/A-Library.html#A-Library
> -- Jack

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