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Re: ed -p '' errors, but shouldn't

From: jackson
Subject: Re: ed -p '' errors, but shouldn't
Date: Thu, 06 Jun 2024 21:39:45 -0500
User-agent: Cyrus-JMAP/3.11.0-alpha0-497-g97f96844c-fm-20240526.001-g97f96844

The actual arguments that the ed executable sees in its "main(argc,argv)" 
argument list depend on how you shell parses the command you typed at your 
prompt and then composes the resulting exec system call.

I'm not seeing the same problems you're seeing ... my shell happens to parse 
these command strings as you (and I) expect.

Perhaps the following will help dissect this issue.  What does the following 
output, when typed as a command at your shell's prompt:

for i in ed -p '' foo.txt; do echo A"${i}"B; done

(Were the first '' is a pair of single quotes, and the other two " are each a 
double quote.)

I get this output:


Paul Jackson

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