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bug#1944: typos (and other bugs) in Org mode's doc (in v23.0.6) (9)
From: |
Bastien |
Subject: |
bug#1944: typos (and other bugs) in Org mode's doc (in v23.0.6) (9) |
Date: |
Sun, 18 Jan 2009 01:57:14 +0100 |
User-agent: |
Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux) |
Hi Peter,
Peter Tury <tury.peter@gmail.com> writes:
> in (info "(org) Remember templates") 'fo' is written instead of 'for'(?):
> "and exclude templates fo which this condition is not fulfilled"
> 2)
> in (info "(org) Agenda commands") 'where' is written instead of 'were' in
> "In Logbook mode, entries that where marked DONE while logging was on
> (variable `org-log-done') are shown in the agenda, as are entries that
> have been clocked on that day."
> 3)
> in the same node (=Agenda commands) the word 'archieved'(?) is missing --
> maybe:
> "In archives mode, trees that are marked [archieved?] are also scanned
> when producing the agenda."
Fixed. Carsten, can you double-check this?
> 4)
> in (info "(org) Categories") this sentence is wrong -- maybe; at least
> I can't interpret it...:
> "If you would like to have a special CATEGORY for a single entry or a
> (sub)tree, give the entry a `:CATEGORY:' property with the location as
> the value."
> It might be better this way:
> "If you would like to have a special CATEGORY for a single entry or a
> (sub)tree, give the entry/(sub)tree a `:CATEGORY:' property with the
> special CATEGORY you want to apply as the value."??
Mmhh... not sure the second version is clearer. I find the first one
quite all right. Carsten.
> 5)
> (info "(org) Agenda commands") does not mention iCalendar (.ics)
> possibility at exporting (C-x C-w) -- contrary to (info "(org)
> Exporting Agenda Views"). I suggest not to detail exporting in "Agenda
> commands": just put a link to the node "Exporting Agenda Views"
> instead.
In the git version of Org, C-x C-w is mentionned.
> 6)
> The link http://orgmode.org/worg/code/org-info-js/org-info.js.html in
> (info "(org) Javascript support") does not work for me now.
> 7)
> I am not sure if this is a bug in Org's doc or (Info of) Emacs 23 or
> Ubuntu (8.10) or what, but the headline of (info "(org) Extensions")
> looks like this for me:
> F\303\274ggel\303\251k: A Extensions
> ************************
> The first word tries to be in Hungarian (=my language in Ubuntu) and
> should look like this: "Függelék". In fact, if I copy-paste it here,
> it arrives in a good form into my Firefox (gmail), so those char.codes
> work somehow...
> (Naturally(?) the same problem comes for (info "(org) Hacking").)
Can't reproduce this...
> 8)
> Line breaking is wrong in (info "(org) Extensions in the contrib
> directory"). It seems as if its source would have been indented
> manually for lines with different length: they contain " "
> inside lines. Here is an example, but please note that this node
> contains a lot of other similarly wrongly formatted lines:
> `org-annotation-helper.el' by Bastien Guerry and Daniel E. German
> Call remember directly from Firefox/Opera, or from Adobe Reader.
> When activating a special link or bookmark, Emacs receives a
> trigger to create a note with a link back to the website.
> Requires some setup, a detailes description is in
> `contrib/packages/org-annotation-helper'.
> 9)
> (info "(org) Other extensions") looks funny :-)
I guess it's a feature, not a bug :)
> Thanks for org-mode anyway,
You own this to Carsten!
Thanks very much for the careful feedback,