On Jan 18, 2009, at 1:57 AM, Bastien wrote: Hi Peter, Peter Tury < tury.peter@gmail.com> writes: in (info "(org) Remember templates") 'fo' is written instead of 'for'(?):
"and exclude templates fo which this condition is not fulfilled"
Fixed. 2)
in (info "(org) Agenda commands") 'where' is written instead of 'were' in
"In Logbook mode, entries that where marked DONE while logging was on
(variable `org-log-done') are shown in the agenda, as are entries that
have been clocked on that day."
Fixed. 3)
in the same node (=Agenda commands) the word 'archieved'(?) is missing -- maybe:
"In archives mode, trees that are marked [archieved?] are also scanned
when producing the agenda."
Fixed. Carsten, can you double-check this? 4)
in (info "(org) Categories") this sentence is wrong -- maybe; at least
I can't interpret it...:
"If you would like to have a special CATEGORY for a single entry or a
(sub)tree, give the entry a `:CATEGORY:' property with the location as
the value."
It might be better this way:
"If you would like to have a special CATEGORY for a single entry or a
(sub)tree, give the entry/(sub)tree a `:CATEGORY:' property with the
special CATEGORY you want to apply as the value."??
Mmhh... not sure the second version is clearer. I find the first one quite all right. Carsten.
Hi Bastien and Peter, I think it must be a mix:
"If you would like to have a special CATEGORY for a single entry or a (sub)tree, give the entry a `:CATEGORY:' property with the special category you want to apply as the value."
Will you make this fix, Bastien?
(info "(org) Agenda commands") does not mention iCalendar (.ics)
possibility at exporting (C-x C-w) -- contrary to (info "(org)
Exporting Agenda Views"). I suggest not to detail exporting in "Agenda
commands": just put a link to the node "Exporting Agenda Views"
In the git version of Org, C-x C-w is mentionned. 6)
The link http://orgmode.org/worg/code/org-info-js/org-info.js.html in
(info "(org) _javascript_ support") does not work for me now.
Fixed. 7)
I am not sure if this is a bug in Org's doc or (Info of) Emacs 23 or
Ubuntu (8.10) or what, but the headline of (info "(org) Extensions")
looks like this for me:
F\303\274ggel\303\251k: A Extensions
The first word tries to be in Hungarian (=my language in Ubuntu) and
should look like this: "Függelék". In fact, if I copy-paste it here,
it arrives in a good form into my Firefox (gmail), so those char.codes
work somehow...
(Naturally(?) the same problem comes for (info "(org) Hacking").)
Can't reproduce this...
Me neither.
Thanks for the feedback.
- Carsten
Line breaking is wrong in (info "(org) Extensions in the contrib
directory"). It seems as if its source would have been indented
manually for lines with different length: they contain " "
inside lines. Here is an example, but please note that this node
contains a lot of other similarly wrongly formatted lines:
`org-annotation-helper.el' by Bastien Guerry and Daniel E. German
Call remember directly from Firefox/Opera, or from Adobe Reader.
When activating a special link or bookmark, Emacs receives a
trigger to create a note with a link back to the website.
Requires some setup, a detailes description is in
Fixed. 9)
(info "(org) Other extensions") looks funny :-)
I guess it's a feature, not a bug :) Thanks for org-mode anyway,
You own this to Carsten! Thanks very much for the careful feedback, -- Bastien