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bug#45135: 28.0.50; [PATCH] Add option to print file names in *xref* buf

From: Dmitry Gutov
Subject: bug#45135: 28.0.50; [PATCH] Add option to print file names in *xref* buffer relative to project root
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2020 04:06:46 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.10.0

On 27.12.2020 09:10, Tobias Rittweiler wrote:
    Could you clarify the reason for the first patch? Did you have any test
    failures (on Ubuntu 20.04.1?) with the current test code because of the
    "random" filesystem traversal order? Thanks!

The original code *did* already fix the file order in the test where it actually mattered: 'xref-matches-in-directory-finds-some-for-bar'. Note that no other test actually involve
locations from multiple files in a way that is dependent on the order.

The patch does not serve any actual utility except for code hygiene: it reduces a bit of trivial code duplication. Feel free to ignore it. (But in case you do add tests for 'xref-file-name-display' being 'relative', please make sure you write the tests in a way
that makes it independent from the filesystem traversal order.)

Thanks for the explanation (and the patch), I just wanted to make sure whether I missed something. I'll push this one now.

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