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bug#63959: python-mode does not keep indentation in square brackets []

From: Andreas Röhler
Subject: bug#63959: python-mode does not keep indentation in square brackets []
Date: Mon, 19 Jun 2023 10:46:48 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:102.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/102.11.0

Am 18.06.23 um 17:20 schrieb Konstantin Kharlamov:
On Sun, 2023-06-18 at 23:56 +0900, kobarity wrote:
I wrote:
Eli Zaretskii wrote:
From: Konstantin Kharlamov <hi-angel@yandex.ru>
Date: Thu, 08 Jun 2023 12:39:23 +0300

Usually in programming modes, when previous indentation is kind of
the new lines should keep the indentation from the previous line.
However, it
doesn't work in this case.

# Steps to reproduce

1. Create file `test.py` with following content:

     for infix in [ # some description
                   "_cdata", "_cmeta", "_corig", "_cpool", "_cvol",
                   "indentation is broken here", "bar"]:

2. Open it as `emacs -Q test.py`
3. Put a caret on the 3rd line (which says "indentation is broken"
4. Press TAB

## Expected

Indentation won't change

## Actual

The line goes back by 4 spaces or so

# Additional information

emacs version: compiled from latest git a week ago, commit 5cace109d2b
kobarity, any comments?
I think the current Python mode tries to indent based on parens,
regardless of the indentation of the previous line.  However, it would
also be reasonable to maintain the indentation of the previous line.
I will see if I can implement it.
Attached is a patch to implement it.  I introduced a new indent
context `:inside-paren-continuation-line' for the continuation lines
within paren.  The indent context respects the indentation of the
previous line.

However, it may happen that the previous line is indented for the
inner paren as in the ERT `python-indent-inside-paren-2':

data = {'key': {
     'objlist': [
         {'pk': 1,
          'name': 'first'},
         {'pk': 2,
          'name': 'second'}

The line "{'pk': 2," is considered as the continuation line, but it
should not respect the indentation of the PREVIOUS line "'name':
'first'},".  So skipping such lines with inner parens were needed.
It searches backward for the line which starts with the item of the
same opening paren as the target line.

In the case of the above example, if the target line is "{'pk': 2,",
its opening paren is "[" in the line "'objlist': [".  It first checks
the previous line "'name': 'first'},", but its opening paren is "{" in
"{'pk': 1,".  So this line is skipped.  Next, it checks the line
"{'pk': 1," and its opening paren is "[" in the line "'objlist': [",
which is same as the target line.  So the target line's indentation
will be as same as the line "{'pk': 1,".

It would be helpful if you could try this patch.
Thank you, tested, works for me!

Does anyone think we should have a customize variable that switches
between the traditional behavior of ignoring the indentation of the
previous line and this new behavior?
I doubt it's useful. It is in general how indentation works in many modes, and I
don't think there ever been a variable to disable that. Stefan Monnier in
particular has a paper called "SMIE: weakness is power", where such indentation
is shortly discussed.

IMO the question of previous lines indentation isn't raised here, as a more 
specific rule applies: inside a non-empty list
indent with its first element. Whereas if list starts empty, as with "[" here, 
next indents as that line plus offset.

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