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bug#67061: [PATCH] Improve syntax highlighting for python-ts-mode

From: Denis Zubarev
Subject: bug#67061: [PATCH] Improve syntax highlighting for python-ts-mode
Date: Sun, 17 Dec 2023 05:07:01 +0300

> Thanks. I think the only thing that’s still up to discussion is the variable-definition rules. Others can be merged to emacs-29.
I can extract part with variable-definition into the next patch.
In case it is ok, I attached patch without new variable-definition feature.
17.12.2023, 04:10, "Yuan Fu" <casouri@gmail.com>:


 On Dec 16, 2023, at 4:26 PM, Denis Zubarev <dvzubarev@yandex.ru> wrote:
 Sorry for the delayed response.
  > For many Emacs users, they want a quieter or even minimal fontification.
  I'm not against it. I just think that highlighting of an interpolation
 as a string is wrong. Is it possible to set quiet fontification in
 emacs-lisp mode, in such a way that `keywords' in doc-strings were
 fontified as a doc-string itself? I think it is similar to
 interpolation, it serves the purpose of separating different semantic
 elements from each other. IMHO, users who like quiet levels will benefit
 from interpolation highlighted differently.

I definitely can see your point, and it makes a lot of sense. I don’t really know people who want quieter fontification wants (probably both approach has their supporters) so can’t speak for them. But in general, I think it wouldn’t hurt to have the option.

  > Instead of the third level, the check should use the value
 > treesit-font-lock-level. And it should check for each level smaller than
 > or equal to treesit-font-lock-level.

Thank you for your hard work! I’m just here talking and you went ahead and did all the work :-)

  > Non-essential fontification like "var" shouldn't be
 > activated at that level. So I suggest to put it in the variable feature,
 > along with many other non-essential fontifications. (Variable feature is
 > placed at level 4.)
  I added a new feature variable-definition for variables defined for local scopes and put it on the 3rd level.
 I also added rules to variable-definition feature for variables in list
 comprehension ( [var+1 for var in []] ) and as_pattern (with T as var:,
 except E as var:, case str() as var:).
  I've noticed that vars in `for var1, (var2, var3) in []:` are highlighted by the rule from the assignment feature (specifically `pattern_list`, `tuple_pattern`).
 It seems easy to fix `pattern_list`, but not so easy for
 `tuple_pattern`, since this node may occur recursively.
 I didn't touch these rules for now.

Ok, makes sense.

    Summary for all changes in the patch.
  New feature variable-definition:
 `for var in range(3)`
 `[var+1 for var in []]`
 `with T as var:`
 `except E as var:`
 `case str() as var:`
 highlight var as font-lock-variable-name-face
  assignment feature:
 var := 3 (named_expression)
 var *= 3 (augmented_assignment)
 Highlight var as font-lock-variable-name-face.
  Make list_splat_pattern query more precise.
 list_splat_pattern may appear not only in assignments: var, *rest = call(),
 but in the parameter list too: def f(*args).
 Highlight args only for the first case in assignment feature.
   type feature:
 Fontify built-ins (dict,list,etc.) as types when they are used in type hints.
 support nested union types, for example `Lvl1 | Lvl2[Lvl3[Lvl3], Lvl2]`.
 This structure is represented via nesting binary_operator and subscript nodes in the grammar.
 Function python--treesit-fontify-union-types iterates over all children and highlight identifier nodes.
  Fontify base class names in the class definition: class Temp(Base1, pack0.Base2):
 Fontify class patterns in case statement: case [TempC() | bytes(b)]:
 Highlight the second argument as a type in isinstance/issubclass call:
 isinstance(var2, (str, dict, Type1)); issubclass(var1, int|str)
  For all dotted names of a type highlight only the last part of the name,
 e.g. collections.abc.Iterator.
   decorator feature:
 Highlight dotted names: @pytest.mark.skip
 Function python--treesit-fontify-dotted-decorator iterates over all nested attribute nodes and highlight identifier nodes.
  When font-lock-level is set 4, `skip` had function-call face in: @pytest.mark.skip(reason='t')
 Add `:override t` to decorator feature to override function-call face.
   string feature:
 Enable interpolation highlighting only if string-interpolation is
 presented on the enabled levels of treesit-font-lock-feature-list.
 Fix fontification of strings inside of f-strings interpolation,
 e.g. for f"beg {'nested'}" - 'nested' was not fontified as string.
   function feature:
 Do not override the face of builtin functions (all, bytes etc.) with
 the function call face
   keyword feature:
 Add "is not" to the `python--treesit-keywords` list.

Thanks. I think the only thing that’s still up to discussion is the variable-definition rules. Others can be merged to emacs-29.


Attachment: 0005-Improve-syntax-highlighting-for-python-ts-mode.patch
Description: Text Data

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