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bug#68487: [PATCH] Make jump commands usable for all skeletons

From: Martin Marshall
Subject: bug#68487: [PATCH] Make jump commands usable for all skeletons
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2024 15:45:23 -0500

Dear Emacs Maintainers,

I noticed the following item in the Emacs TODO file:

> ** Improve the "code snippets" support
> Consolidate skeleton.el, tempo.el, and expand.el (any other?) and then
> advertise/use/improve it.

To that end, here's a patch which allows using expand.el's
`expand-jump-to-next-slot' ("C-x a n") and
`expand-jump-to-previous-slot' ("C-x a p") commands with all

In the current Emacs release, an expanded skeleton adds the locations
of `@' symbols to `skeleton-positions' list.  One could theoretically
convert these positions to markers and write commands for navigating
to the locations.  Fortunately, expand.el already implements this
behavior.  The only problem is that it's limited to skeletons being
expanded as abbrevs.  Skeletons invoked by a keybinding, menu entry,
or "M-x" can't use expand.el's jumping commands.

This patch changes that by updating `define-skeleton', so that
skeleton commands will update the list of markers in `expand-pos'
whenever called outside of `expand-abbrev'.

What do you think?

Best regards,
Martin Marshall

Attachment: 0001-Make-jump-commands-usable-for-all-skeletons.patch
Description: [PATCH] Make jump commands usable for all skeletons

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